三分妄想Term and Condition 用户协议



1/3 Delusion users/customers are treated as accepted all of the T&C below. 1/3Delusion reserves the rights to amend/add/remove any terms without prior notice.

If you do not accept/agree the T&C, you may choose to stop and leave 1/3Delusion. 1/3Delusion reserve the rights to request those who break the rule(s) to leave the shop, as well request for the compensation according to T&C.

1. 为了确保售出的货品完好无损,一切包含在内的饰品(除服装)皆禁止试戴。

In order to ensure the goods are sold intact, all included accessories (except costume) are strictly prohibited from being tested.


2. 本店服装(除某些特定商品)皆提供试穿服务,恳请各位小心试穿。如有受损或沾染污渍,即视为售出。

Our clothing (except for certain costume) is available to try on the service, please be careful while trying. If there is damage or stain on it, it will consider to be sold.


3.  为了方便其他到访客户皆能试穿,请各位勿长时间穿着或佩戴着本店服饰。

For facilitating other visiting customers, please do not wear the costume for a long time.


4.  为防止长时间穿戴服饰,故本店禁止一切拍照行为。如有不便,请多见谅。

We  forbid all photo behavior to minimise the wearing time for everyone. If there is any inconvenience, please forgive us.


5.  本店为了避免不必要的纠纷,并确保出售的货品能完好无损,故禁止顾客自行拿取货架上的货品。如有需求请向店员求助。若有损坏,本店有权向该人士寻求赔偿。

In order to avoid unnecessary disputes and to ensure the goods are sold intact, customers are prohibited from taking the goods from the shelves themselves. Please ask for help if you need any. We have the right to seek for compensation if any goods are damaged.


6.  本店所有图片均为参考用途。实际物品与图片之间的色差、面料、配件的出入不被列为品质问题且不受退换。

All pictures are for reference only. Actual product may have difference on colour, material, and accessories. There are not treated as quality problem and refund/exchange is not accept in this case.


7.  售后服务 After Sales



Quality problems are listed below:


破损、大面积脏污、尺寸问题 – 如出现质量问题,请务必在3天内联系客服,并提供照片以此为依据。确定问题属实后,本店将给予调换同款服饰,邮费全数由本店承担。

Damage, huge area of stain, size problem – If any of those problems occur, please informs us within 3 days, with photo for verification. We will make exchanges/refund once problem(s) are confirmed. Postage will be bear by us.



Below are not included in quality problem:


Thread, wrinkled, colour difference


Rules for refunding/exchange:

1.  退换货品需留有货品标签/吊牌以及收据,缺一者恕不受理。

For refunding/exchange, please do not cut the tag on the costume and keep the receipt with it. Missing of any of it will not be admissible.

2.  退换邮费将全权由本店承担。

Postage will be fully beared by us.

3. 换货时间: 收到货品有质量问题,请于3天内联系客服,并拍照以确认问题并加以处理。逾期者恕不受理。

Refund/Exchange duration: Please contact us within 3 days after sold, with photo for verification. Overdue case are not admissible.

4.  售出商品如非从本店或本站(例如通过淘宝购买)将不予调换。

Refund/Exchange will not be accept if purchase done through 3rd party (e.i. Taobao).

5.  退换货品将于确认收到货品的几天后寄出。

Refund/Exchange will be post out within few days after received the return stock.


8.  所有订单皆在本店确认收到货款后方有效并进行处理,一旦确认订单后便不再接受更改与退款。

Order will only be processed after full payment received. It is not changeable/cancelable once the order is confirmed.

9.  签收人资料如姓名、地址、电话等联络方式均需确保其准确性。如因资料出错而造成货物无法送达或遗失,本店概不负责受理,一切额外费用将由买方承担。

Receiver info have to be accurate. 1/3Delusion will not take any responsibility if mis-delivery occur due to the error/incorrect information provided. All extra charges have to be bear by customers/buyers themselves.


We currently charge shipping fees on each item. Depending on your location and shipping mode the price will vary.

 Courier Service by Poslaju / Skynet / etc

Flammable Item
Flammable items such as spray can are not able to deliver to East Malaysia due to the courier company's security policy.

Address Confirmation
Goods will be delivered to a physical address which must be provided during the online ordering process.

Courier Delivery
We provide shipping on all orders worldwide. Deliveries will be performed by a professional courier company engaged by Gundam.my.

Delivery Status
Tracking number will be sent to your email when the package ships. You can track your delivery status via the URL provided in email.

PACKAGING : We use hard bubble wrap for all our delivery to avoid damage on the item.

DELIVERY : Deliveries take up to 4-5 working days after you place your order (excludes Weekends and Public Holiday) 

Our Retail Shop Address: 


  • We offer replacements and refunds for defective items IF the defects occurred during delivery.
  • The return process is simple. Just take a photo on the defective goods, parcel and consignment note then email us at  kai_leong84@gmail.com
  • We will bear the shipping charges for replacements.
  • The return policy will only be effective for a period of one (1) week from the time you receive it from the shipping agent.


Please email us at mydelusion3@gmail.com for all return and exchange assistance.

MyOtaku reserved the rights to change or alter the policy for any reason at any time without notice.


Thank you for your patience and trusting our service!